Giving Thanks for 28 Weeks!

We woke up this morning in total awe once again of God’s miracles!! Today was a HUGE milestone, one that the doctors weren’t very sure we would ever make and one that we prayed for ever since the beginning of our pregnancy! The average gestation for quadruplets is 29.5 weeks, but 28 weeks is huge…the 3rd trimester, the point where their lungs are more developed, and there is a smaller chance of a brain bleed.

When we were admitted to the hospital at 20 weeks and 4 days, there were a lot of unknowns and the doctors were preparing for us to deliver any day. That day Josh filled out our 2 goals on our hospital whiteboard though with great hope that God could do anything. He wrote….”healthy and happy babies” and “28+ weeks.” From the beginning we knew that was a big goal to attain, but we also knew and continue to know that we have a big and mighty God!! The verse we have been encouraged by from the beginning still means so much to us right now!

“God can do anything you know, far more than you could ever ask or imagine!” Philippians 3:20

So 7 1/2 weeks in the hospital, I continue to lay here in bed, Josh continues to serve me constantly, and these babies keep growing and growing everyday! I am still taking meds to keep contractions slowed down, and yay God they have stayed minimal! Overall, I’m feeling pretty good just tired a lot and trying to stay comfortable with this big belly. From our most recent growth scan these babies were still packing on the pounds!!

Baby A-1lb 15oz

Baby B-1lb 5oz

Baby C-1lb 15oz

Baby D-1lb 9oz


This next Monday we have another scan and are very excited to see their growth! Thank you all so much for your continued prayers, love, and encouragement! Please continue to join us in prayer thanking God for His miracles as well as praying for strong growth of the babies and for many more days in my belly! Every day continues to be a blessing and a huge benefit to their development!

Sending lots of love from the 6 of us!!

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Debbie Sorn says:

    Praying with you for a long gestation! I come up to the labor and delivery floor each morning and am thrilled that you’ve made it another day. You are an amazing mom! God is showing His mercies new every day.

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  2. Carol Piepho says:

    Thank you for the update. I am thanking the Lord for 28 weeks with you!!!! I am continuing to pray for the babies growth and for your comfort, patience and health. Hugs. Carol

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kam Crow says:

    Celebrating 28 weeks with you! God is good!! Prayers continue for all of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Deb Swirczynski says:

    Deb Swirczynski

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Deb Swirczynski says:

    This is not only great news but answered prayer and once again God’s loving goodness and mercy being made known. Continuing to pray for more time in your womb and for your comfort and strength. As long as these past seven weeks have seemed being sequestered in the hospital, once those little ones arrive in your arms, seven weeks will flash by!!! prayers and blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dawn Anderson says:

    So in awe of our awesome God! I saw a sign in Hobby Lobby that said, “God is able” and I immediately thought of you guys. Continuing to pray for you and your little miracles! Love you 6!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Leondra S. says:

    God is good!!! Praying for your family! You are in a good place spiritually and he will see you through. Thank you for the updates.

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  8. Kara Meehan says:

    Hi there…my husband and I have been down the hall from you at OPRMC since Oct 20th. We both just wanted to let you know that you all are in and have been in our prayers since we arrived and saw there was a couple on the board w 4 blessings. We are having twins and had a few hurdles ourselves that only Gods Grace got us thru. Your 4 blessings are a miracle from God as are our 2 little blessings! Just wanted you to know , you are not alone ! We cannot wait to see your post once your miracles come to say hi !!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hartmanquads says:

      Kara, thank you so much for your message and your prayers! We will be praying for you and your family as well! How sweet it is to hear God’s grace and miracles through other’s stories as well! Hope to hear from you again soon!


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